The Accounting Study Program has carried out the mandate of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the field of Accounting under the auspices of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Trunojoyo Madura University. The human resources we produce are personas who generally master the fields of financial accounting and taxation. Apart from that, we also add special expertise in two areas of interest concentration, namely Public Sector Accounting and Sharia Accounting. Alumni scattered across various institutional and professional focuses are an indicator that alumni of the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Trunojoyo University, Madura are very prestigious and competitive in society.
In 2023, the FEB UTM Accounting Study Program received a Very Good accreditation rating from The Institute of Accreditation for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Programs (LAMEMBA). All lecturers in the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program are graduates of well-known universities at home and abroad, and have competence in their respective fields, and have received recognition in practice both at national and international levels. Apart from that, lecturers are also active in research with the number of publications increasing every year according to each lecturer’s scientific field. Involvement in community service is also widely carried out in various fields. Support from educational staff also plays a very important role in supporting the educational administrative process.
At all levels of the study program held, apart from developing general accounting knowledge at the research and community service levels, we also highlight the values and potential of the Madurese locality. This is a form of real concern and alignment with local wisdom where this campus is located. We also direct our approach to research to utilize all research paradigms that are developing in the realm of accounting science. Starting from positivist, interpretive, critical, to spiritualist religious, we provide wide space for members of the Accounting Department family to develop it. We accept quantitative and qualitative approaches as a necessity. Mutual growth and respect between various sects is an attitude of life that we instill in the entire academic community.
The massive development of information and communication technology, the use of various information channels, occupies a very strategic position in disseminating information and knowledge to the general public. We enthusiastically welcome the launch of the (new) Accounting Study Program website. The various information contained on this page can be used by lecturers, students, education staff, alumni, government agencies and other related stakeholders as a medium for intense and warm communication. Hopefully the synergy between these elements can contribute positively to the progress of the nation and state. Hopefully.
Bachelor of Accounting Study Program Coordinator
Alexander Anggono, PhD