- DIPA Scholarship
- Non DIPA Scholarship
- DIPA scholarships are divided into superior scholarships, achievement scholarships, PPA, BBP-PPA and Bidikmisi Scholarships. The DIPA scholarship is carried out regularly every year with a selection mechanism for prospective scholarship recipients who meet the requirements. Each type of DIPA scholarship has different terms and criteria.
- Non-DIPA scholarships available include Beswan Djarum, Bank Indonesia Scholarship. Beswan Djarum is held regularly every year and the selection process is divided into several stages. Starting from the internal/administrative file stage to the selection stage at the PT Office. Djarum/psychological test, public speaking and team work. This scholarship is very special because scholarship recipients not only get educational funds but also get other things. For example, achievement motivation training (outbound that is fun and has educational value), dare to be leader (motivation from well-known motivators) and national gathering (meeting with all scholarship recipients from Sabang to Merauke). Apart from that, the BI scholarship also provides educational funds for students who excel and meet the requirements. In contrast to Beswan Djarum, BI scholarship recipients are only given for the preparation of scientific papers.