Quality Assurance is carried out in stages, starting from the university, faculty and study program levels. At the faculty level, the FEB UTM Quality Assurance Team (JAMU) has implemented a quality assurance system based on the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics Number: 430/H46.1.12/DT/2011 dated 11 May 2011. In implementing Quality Assurance for the Accounting Study Program, implementation and control The quality of the Accounting Study Program is carried out by the Study Program Quality Assurance Team (JAMU), together and in intensive coordination with the JAMU Faculty Team.
The following are the main functions and tasks of the Study Program Quality Assurance Team:
Develop plans and implement an internal quality assurance system for the study program;
Develop academic and student quality standards;
Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the study program’s internal quality management system.
Jamu Team Management Composition:
- Chair: Fariyana Kusumawati, S.E., M.Sc.
- Members: Yuni Rimawati, S.E., M.S.Ak., Ak., CA.
- Members: Habi Bullah, S.E., M. Akun