Admission of new students (PMB) is a routine university activity every time a new class opens. In the implementation of PMB, there are now many selection routes for registering for higher education. Universities are educational units that provide higher education, universities themselves are divided into 2, namely State Universities and Private Universities.
State universities are universities run by the government. In Indonesia, state universities are managed by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. The chancellor of a state university is an echelon 2 level official under the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia or other ministries.
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 126 of 2016 concerning the Admission of New Students for Undergraduate Programs at PTNs, it is regulated that the Pattern for New Student Admissions for Undergraduate Programs at PTNs includes:
- First, the SNMPTN route, namely selection based on the results of tracking the academic achievements of prospective students;
- Second, SBMPTN, namely selection based on the results of written exams using printed (paper based testing) or computer (computer based testing) methods, or a combination of written exam results and skills tests of prospective students; And
- Third, Independent Selection, namely selection regulated and determined by each PTN.
For independent routes, sometimes the routes used by PTNs are almost the same as the routes used by private universities.