The Accounting Study Program was established in August 2001 with Establishment Decree No.3007/D/T2004 dated August 4, 2004. Currently there are 43 permanent lecturers, consisting of 3 professors, 6 associate professor, 20 lecturers and 14 assistant professors. In addition, the Bachelor Accounting Study Program has two non-permanent lecturers who are practicing in auditors and tax consultants. Existing lecturers have relevant educational qualifications with 37% holding doctoral degrees and 10% of the lecturers graduating from overseas. The composition of the lecturers is 23 men and 20 women.
In addition, the number of students in the Accounting Study Program has increased consistently from 2018 to 2022. The growth rate of students in 2018 it increased from 925 to 985 students. For 2022, it increased again to 1125 students. The student—lecturer ratio in the Bachelor of Accounting study program in 2023 is 1:26.2 and this has met the standards set by Directorate General of Higher Education.
In 2023, the FEB UTM Accounting Study Program received a Very Good accreditation rating from The Institute of Accreditation for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Programs (LAMEMBA). All lecturers in the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program are graduates of well-known universities at home and abroad, and have competence in their respective fields, and have received recognition in practice both at national and international levels. Currently the Accounting study program has 43 lecturers, all of whom have professional certification. 16 Lecturers have Doctoral degrees and 3 Lecturers have earned the title of Professor.