
Bachelor of Accounting Study Program has compiled a modular curriculum structure to support the achievement of learning objectives from semester 1 to semester 7. In Semester 1 and 2, students can take a maximum of 21 credits per semester. If the student’s GPA is at least 3.5, then 45 students in the third semester and so on can add credits per semester for a maximum of 24 credits In the modular curriculum structure, especially in the core accounting courses, in the early semesters (1 and 2) students take basic level courses such as Introduction to Accounting 1 and 2. Furthermore, students take intermediate level courses in semesters 3 and 4, namely in Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 and 2, and continue to take an advanced level in semester 5, namely in Advanced Financial Accounting courses. This structure also applies modularly to core taxation courses such as taxation 1, taxation 2, tax planning accounting, and advanced with applied tax.

To become a Bachelor of Accounting, students must take a minimum study load of 144 credits and a maximum of 160 credits, consisting of 50 in-class courses (compulsory and optional), one field practice course (KKN/KPM), and a final written work (thesis ). Details of courses grouped based on the core curriculum and institutional curriculum as well as course groupings are as follows: