Academic Guidelines


Notice :

1. Ministry of National Education No. 232/U/2000 concerning Guidelines for Preparing Higher Education Curriculum and Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes;

2. Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation no. 17 of 2010 concerning Management and Implementation of Education;

3. Guidelines for Lecturer Workload and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Director General of Higher Education’s Tridharma for Higher Education in 2010.

4. Strategic Plan and Work Program of the Faculty of Economics 2009-2013;

5. Trunojoyo University Academic Guidebook 2010/2011;

6. Results of the Leadership Meeting of the Faculty of Economics on 18 June 2010 and 2 July 2010;

7. Circular Letter of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Trunojoyo University No. 539/H46.1.12/SE/2010 Concerning Final Semester Examinations.

That the lecture provisions are as follows:

1. Lecturers are obliged to convey SAP and GBPP to students according to the courses taught;

2. Lecturer/lecture attendance in one course at least 12 (twelve) meetings;

3. If point 2 (two) above is not fulfilled, then the UAS cannot be carried out;

4. Students are required to attend 80% of lectures;

5. Changes to lectures due to the lecturer’s absence must be coordinated with the Academic Section of the Faculty of Economics;

6. Students who do not meet the minimum attendance of 80% cannot take the UAS unless:

a. illness as proven by a doctor’s certificate.

b. parents/siblings have died as proven by a death certificate from the local RT Head.

c. Be a delegate for student activities as proven by a certificate from PR III or PD III.

7. Evidence in points 6a, 6b, and 6c must be submitted to the Academic Section of the Faculty of Economics or the lecturer in charge of the course no later than one week, delays in submitting evidence in points 6a, 6b, and 6c will not be validated.

8. Lecturers are expected to mark s for students who do not attend lectures due to illness and i for students who do not attend lectures for reasons such as points 6b and 6c in lecture attendance.

9. Students are not permitted to sign attendance if the lecturer in charge of the course is not present.

10. There is no follow-up/re-UAS for students who do not meet the minimum attendance of 80%;

11. There are no + (plus) or – (minus) values.

12. Lecturers can still give grades to students who cannot take the UAS in Number 6 (six) above, by paying attention to the Assignment, Quiz and UTS grades.

To Download Course Terms Click here



Some of the requirements to take part in the Judiciary are as follows:

1. Fill in the Biodata Form from the department operator (can be downloaded here).

2. 8 black and white photographs measuring 3×4 with details:

  •  2 sheets for Faculty
  •  5lbs in envelope
  •  and 1 sheet for the University Biodata form.

3. Submit 2 photocopies of your high school diploma.
4. Course Grade Requirements

  •  All Concentration Courses must not have an E grade
  • MKDU and concentration courses cannot have a D grade
  •  Maximum D grade in 5 subjects
  •  Have taken all courses

5. Free administration (tuition, finances, etc.).
6. Submit Grade Transcripts
7. Submit an Institutional TOEFL score or from the Trunojoyo Madura University Language Center of at least 450 / have taken the test 5 times.
8. Submit the thesis manuscript to the Faculty and softcopy along with the thesis summary in CD form

So please pay attention.


Assistant Dean I